Man Up! Why Men Should Get Manicures, Pedicures

Man Up! Why Men Should Get Manicures, Pedicures

So, you don’t think it’s manly to get a manicure or pedicure. A lot of men feel that way. A lot are convinced that this is the kind of thing that a woman does, but the truth is that men recognize the need to get a manicure or pedicure these days, and here’s why.

For Your Health

It may seem silly to you that getting one of these procedures would improve your health, but your hands and feet are susceptible to injuries and infections just like any other part of your body. This is especially true in your feet, where most men pay little to no attention. Getting a pedicure ensures that there are no problem areas on your feet while also giving you a relaxing and stress-free session that can help your muscles and feet feel much better. This will help your entire body to feel better.

Improve Your Handshake

There are a lot of men who will tell you that you can judge another man by his handshake. That the grip and feel of another man’s hand tell you what kind of person he is. When you don’t take care of your hands, there are those who are going to make some determinations about you. No one likes to grip sandpaper-like hands or two looks at hands that have ugly nails and dead skin. They simply won’t want to touch you. A manicure can take care of these types of problems, beautifying your hands and making you look more powerful during your next handshake.

Prevents Ingrown Nails

One of the primary reasons why you should look into getting a manicure and pedicure is to prevent ingrown nails. Should these nails go untreated, they can lead to a serious infection in the bone. This can require surgery, which is not only expensive but can be quite painful during the recovery period.

Finds Problem Areas

Besides these types of problems, having a manicure or pedicure can also reveal other problem areas in your hands and feet. You may have such conditions as calluses, bunions, or corns. These can be quite uncomfortable and unsightly, and they can lead to potential problems later. Planter’s warts and bunions can lead to sore spots when you walk. Getting a pedicure can expose these problems early on and help you to find relief.


You may not think it’s manly to get a manicure pedicure, but it is. You want to look your best and feel your best. Even if you are not into these types of treatments, at least you get to sit back and enjoy the ride.

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